Positive Attitude Increases Sales

Since the release of my first three books, a women’s fiction “Conquer All Obstacles” and a nonfiction “Premium Promotional Tips for Writers” and “Internet Marketing Made Easy”, I’ve had the most amazing experience to feel I’ve *conquered ALL obstacles* by witnessing only 5-star Amazon reviews. I knew of no other  than THE BEST—UNTIL LAST WEEK…

Surfing the net, checking on my registered media sites, I clicked on a new review for “Premium Promotional Tips for Writers”. Immediately, my heart sank. There, right in front of me, was a rating that seemed to scream from the screen…my first 4-star review! And a horrific comment that I reacted as a personal attack to my ‘babies’:

I had a slight problem with the frequency with which she toots her own horn, however, doing so seems to be in vogue. >Keith Myers<

Like rejections from agents after viewing my previous queries, I had a mixture of emotion erupt…disbelief, anger, blame or excuses, and finally acceptance.

Kinda sounds like the stages of grieving, doesn’t it?

How did the feelings of rejections finally change to relief or acceptance?

I read an interesting post: “…author clients with a high self-esteem tended to be more creative with their marketing plans and actually sold more books.” >Rob Eager on “The Self-Confidence To Sell More Books” <

Now, I had to reread Mr. Myer’s review over again. This time (and surprisingly) I interpreted the words in a much brighter light. I even read further into his other comments, She offers a practical and detailed outline to the web that, if followed, would certainly enhance one’s sales.”

As if read for the first time(and now delayed attention), I grasped the content of the review as a comment worth sharing with my friends/followers/fans.

Reading more of Rob Eager’s post, he quoted a Global management consultant by the name of Alan Weiss< “There is no music if you don’t blow your own horn.”

I smiled, but the laughter didn’t come forth until I read further:

“This statement is profoundly true for book marketing, at both the author and publisher levels. Writers, editors, and marketing staff must believe strongly enough in a message to promote that book above the noise of all the competition. Yet, this can only happen when there’s an ardent belief in a manuscript accompanied by the enthusiasm to tell people about it.” >Rob Eager on “The Self-Confidence To Sell More Books”<

Can a writer post articles that come across as supercilious?

You bet, and is why I’m conscious to create a balance. I write my brand *conquer all obstacles* in the context of a belief…a slogan for other authors, marketers, coaches, and the general public to use as a visual tool as they can see themselves hurdling over the many barricades that often interfere with  their own personal journey toward their objective or even their life-long dream. A slogan of strength.

“…readers appreciate authors who believe in their ability to provide answers, inspiration, or entertainment.” >Rob Eager on “The Self-Confidence To Sell More Books”<

How can you become successful?

You can *conquer all obstacles* by abolishing your fears. This is the main reason why I’ve told my story…and shared my personal journey. As an inspiration, I believe I can provide concrete examples for others. Perhaps my readers will be able to grab onto hope, strengthen their own beliefs, and increase their determination to pursue their attainable goals.

How do you create more sales?

Believe in yourself.

Lean on a crutch, use a tool, or turn to someone else’s success story for  inspiration. I say—take it, run with it, and prove to the world that YOU CAN CONQUER ALL OBSTACLES…oh, and go ahead and toot your own horn, if others don’t like your music, they can always wear earplugs…:).

~Aside Note: All reviews (regardless of the rating) are subjective to the reader. I do not have expectations for perfection…gosh, I’d go crazy if this were the case…lol.~


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18 comments on “Positive Attitude Increases Sales

  1. Amen! If we’re not totally convinced to do what we’re doing–hang it up.

    Great post. God bless you.


  2. Jo-Anne, this is one of the best posts I’ve read by you in 2010. And I guess that proves the old, what don’t kill us makes us stronger, saying! Bravo. I was utterly inspired.

  3. […] I had to pass this on. I just read one of the best posts I’ve read in 2010 by Jo-Anne Vandermeullen, Positive Attitude Increases Book Sales. […]

  4. Your post inspired me to alert my readers to it. Thankx again, Jo-Anne. Read my post here: http://www.visualartsjunction.com/?p=7578

  5. […] Positive Attitude Increases Book Sales « JO-ANNE VANDERMEULEN “Conquer All Obstacles&#82… […]

  6. Maybe it goes back to that old saying…Love yourself first. We would not write what we do if we didn’t like it. I realize not everyone will like my books like not everyone would like my clothes, house etc. However, that said, we often do tend to dwell on the negative review or the words that seem less supportive.
    One thing I know…I can’t please everyone and no one will ever write something everyone appreciates…that doesn’t mean to change the writing, only to accept what is reality and keep marketing for those who truly do enjoy the writing.
    Great post, Jo-Anne!

  7. That was a good read,You discover something new each day.

  8. I’m tooting, my friend. Good advice as always, Jo-Anne.

  9. Great post! So often I do everything short of pulling teeth to get authors to realize they AND their work are of equal importance. It’s ok to realize your work is good and it’s even better to share that knowledge with a thankful, caring heart. So proud of you for reminding us of such an important aspect of the writing life!

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